Casein proteins can be classified into two groups:
Kappa casein: This is also called K-casein. In the stomach, this protein is divided into peptide insoluble hydrophilic and soluble glycopeptides.
Alpha-s1, s2 alpha and beta-casein
The importance
Casein is rich in calcium, an essential mineral that is based the amount of bone. Be an effective source of protein, it is necessary that people who exercised vigorously and require muscle protein synthesis.
For newborns: A significant portion of the milk of mammals containing this protein effectively. They react with calcium phosphate to form colloidal particles called micelles. Micelles maintain a high concentration of calcium phosphate in milk than is needed for the mineralization of calcified tissues.
For adults: Casein is anti-catabolic. It may take around seven hours for the body to digest as clotting, that is, it forms a gel in the stomach and slowly released amino acids. This gives you a positive nitrogen balance in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take supplements of casein before going to bed.
Casein protein in food
Milk mammalian milk protein consisting of whey and casein is a rich source of calcium.
Casein protein powder: This dietary supplement is done by separating the casein protein whey by ultrafiltration.
Cheese: when making cheese, whey and lactose is separated from the curd. Cottage cheese is a high concentration of casein.
Curd: The manufacturing process is similar to cottage cheese. However, not all whey is removed. In comparison to the cheese curd has more protein and less fat.
The differences between the whey proteins and casein proteins
Whey and casein, which are mammalian milk, have the following differences:
Whey protein is soluble in acid, while casein protein forms a gel like substance and takes longer to ingest.
Serum directly stimulates muscle protein synthesis after exercise regime. However, casein increases anabolic reaction in weight training.
Casein protein is generally used by people who need an extra dose of protein. These people can be athletes, bodybuilders and those who exercise strength training and weight.
Side effects
People who are allergic to casein protein may have the following symptoms:
Stomach cramps
Soy protein, often regarded as a substitute for casein protein is less compared to milk protein in terms of muscle protein synthesis.
If a person is lactose intolerant, it is advisable to consume casein supplement, cheese or cottage cheese. Studies show that there is little difference between goat and sheep milk to the alpha-alpha-s1 and s2. Therefore, those who are lactose intolerant can consume sheep milk safely.
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